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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Author Interview – Dianne Worrall @DiWorrall

Image of Di Worrall
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I have chosen to team up with OB Book Tours to spread the word to the business community on Accountability Leadership – my current best seller. Accountability Leadership represents a virtually untapped goldmine of opportunity for personal and business transformation using the new science of accountability.
Few would argue that the demonstration of accountability and responsibility is a good thing. Look at the outrage we feel when people are treated unfairly by corporations or our disgust when companies like Enron fall due to corruption.  Yet while we express our corporate disgust, we succumb to the same unaccountable habits by continuing to point the finger of blame and back stab one another around the coffee machine. It’s no wonder the corporate world in particular gets accountability so wrong.  We can’t see how we are contributing to the problem.
In my experience we have adopted the habit of using accountability as a tool of negativity – to wield punishment when things go wrong. We have lost sight of its original meaning as positive tool to help things go right. To transform cultural habits from low accountability to high accountability can actually be surprisingly straightforward. All you need to do is tackle one cause or one conversation at a time… and magic happens.  But the secret is to be able to recognise one of these golden opportunities for change and focus your attention on changing just a few keystone habits that will make the most difference.  That’s where Accountability Leadership comes in.
How did you come up with the title?
I selected the best possible keywords that would attract people around the world who were searching for accountability and responsibility at work
Can you tell us about your main character?
You are the main character if you are someone who has a vested interest in improving performance through accountability and responsibility in the workplace.
Why did you choose to write this particular book?
This title was inspired by a professional “epiphany” I experienced in my first senior executive job as an HR Director of a large government organisation.
The following story is an extract from my author bio at
Over the course of her career, Di has developed a personal and professional mantra about what she sees as the number-one issue that makes or breaks leadership performance today: Accountability for outcomes, performance, and results.
That mantra goes like this:
“The degree to which you have developed the capacity to hold your organisation and its people accountable for the delivery of results is directly proportional to your capacity to either build–or haemorrhage–value from your organisation.”
…An Early Accountability Lesson Becomes a Catalyst for Change
In her first senior executive post, Di managed to turn a difficult accountability lesson into an opportunity for change when it became clear that the failure of her executive team to hold one another accountable was setting their entire organisation up to fail on its delivery of a major business initiative.
Having no intention of letting the project go bad, Di led her fellow executives through specific actions to improve personal accountability throughout the leadership team. As a result, she managed to turn a pending loss into a remarkable profit.
“Accountability was something we couldn’t delegate,” she says, recalling the initiative. “Much to our surprise, employees in our respective divisions started to intuitively follow suit, modelling our new behaviours.”
Inspired by that early experience, Di developed an enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge relating to the “new rules” of high accountability (you can read more about these in her new book, Accountability Leadership), and has devoted her findings and expertise to enterprise transformation and change efforts ever since.
What was the hardest part about writing this book?
Letting go of the manuscript in order to seek honest feedback from a panel of peers before publishing
Di Worrall
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Business, Leadership, Workplace Behaviour, Human Resources, Executive Coaching
Rating – PG
More details about the author
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